to send a message on the nintendo wii
wii#1:hi... send message
wii#2:message recived...CLICK... hi
yeah i got a wii-mail
by aronh September 4, 2007
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When one is 100 times more awesome at any game on the Wii or any console, such as Super Smash Bros. or Halo, than any other living creature on earth. This person must be able to beat any person in a one on one in any game, while keeping one arm tied behind their back, hold a grenade in their mouth by the pin without dropping it, and be able to listen to Michael Jackson's Thriller, dancing around on one leg while juggling a newborn infant, a flaming chainsaw covered in battery acid, and a nuclear warhead. After performing all of these pre-game warm-ups, this player will proceed to beat the other person into the ground in any game, but it must be done in less that .05 seconds. If this person cannot meat these pre-requisites, they fail.
Example A: John- "Frank almost got to be proclaimed Wii-leet by the Wii community yesterday, but at the last minute dropped the flaming acid covered chainsaw on the newborn infant."

Example B: Halo Player: "I just got 25 kills and only 2 deaths!" Wii-leet guy walks in room, and his awesomeness just forces the Halo Player to implode then explode resulting in miniature figurines of the Wii-leet player to fall upon the world to all the good little boys and girls.
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a phenomina that happends to a tv screen when playing the wii, a resilt is a large crack or shattered television, source is a progectile wii remote because some reatards dont use the strap properly
DUDE: hey man did you watch the show last night?

FRIEND: no man, the wii effect took hold on my tv and i have to wait a few weeks.

DUDE: well that sucks
by the bandicapped October 5, 2010
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The pain experienced from playing any wii game (mostly wii sports) for extended periods of time. This mostly deals with wii games that require lots of arm movement.
"Damn, I got wii elbow from playing too much wii sports."
by Blade776 January 30, 2007
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Describes one who excessively plays with his/her Wii.
JT,"Steph, what have you been doing all day?"

Steph,"Just been hanging around playing WII all day."

JT,"You hella Wii-erd you noe?"
by JTizzel March 18, 2009
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the accumulation of soreness or physical ailments due to the overexertion from a long night of playing the Nintendo Wii
Kensuke: Hey man, how are you feeling?
Shoma: Alright, but a little Wii damage.
by dynamite kenji April 2, 2007
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In the same likeleness as a button-masher: one who has no skill in a video game so they just hit alot of buttons, wii-wacker refers to one who has no skill in a wii game, so they just swing the wii-mote around like a weed-wacker.
"She is is such a wii-wacker when she plays Wii Tennis"
by Eric Thortsen December 10, 2006
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