Zach’s a fuck boy!!!
by Madnesscamo November 10, 2017
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A fat rude bitch that makes fun of you
He is such a Zach!
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A kid who don't care about your feelings or you if you do him wrong he don't like fake people he stays low he only likes few he don't like people in school except few he can be cool but if u don't like him he don't care about what you think he stays to his self
Zach don't care about you.
by Stxckup November 28, 2017
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A retard with a phat ass. He usually has big pp and likes men. Sometimes he fucks with taller women (and older) he usually does dumb shit for attention but doesn’t mind. Hates school and will get fired from every job. He’s good with technology and plays a lot of video games. People called him faggot in school :’(

Zach’s a faggot
Zach’s a retard
by Bigger boy joe October 30, 2019
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