When you're hitting it from behind and your slap her ass, to which she responds by yelling "just stick a thumb in it!"
Was banging my girlfriend last night and I have here the Kentucky thumb
by Captain Hazelwood May 20, 2021
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When you press your thumb into her behind
She was moaning till he gave her the Kentucky Thumb, then she was screaming.
by DaveslifeYT May 21, 2021
When you're hitting it from the back and you slip a thumb in.

Alternatively: then shrapnel from an exploding fire arm cuts your jugular artery, and you are forced you plug the wound with your thumb.
I was using those old SLAP rounds and the gun exploded! Had to use the ol' Kentucky Thumb
by Brandon's boy May 20, 2021
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Refers to Scott from Kentucky Ballistic's near fatal injury from a .50 BMG explosion that was averted when he put his thumb into a hole in his neck to stop the bleeding.
by BillNyeTheWesternSpy May 20, 2021
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The act of violently sticking your thumb into someone's bleeding anus.
"Brandon Herrera told everyone on YouTube that he loves the Kentucky Thumb. "
"After we used the dildo mounted a reciprocating saw last night, I had to give her the Kentucky Thumb"

"Just put a thumb in it... a Kentucky Thumb in it."
by Newton1391 May 21, 2021
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While having sex in the doggie position, a man will slap his partners ass and immediately shove his thumb in his partners ass
Yea man, last night was crazy in bed. We were going hot and heavy until i gave her the "Kentucky thumb"
by Gunther05071 May 20, 2021
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