a chippie sanga is a easy to prepare meal served mainly in australia. it consists of your favourite flavour chips, and bread but many apply butter aswell.
oi cunt chuck us a chippie sanga
by chungus3picgamer January 5, 2019
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A girl That has very enlarged nipples that make you wanna cry when you see them
Wow Charlize has some chippy nippys
by Big man12356 July 21, 2022
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A shockingly bad example of a skin fade with little to no blending and no transition. It usually shows more resemblance to a doorstep than a haircut. Often seen at UK festivals.
"Yo check the chippy fade on my man over there!"

"Damn his barber must hate him bro hahaha"
by KetBaguette August 3, 2021
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Deriving from the meaning; attractive woman with a slightly rough upbringing preventing her from being able to live up to her real potential.
Mate do you think she's fit?

Hmmm, she's a Chippy mate.


She's Chippy fit.
by Yolo9 April 9, 2016
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