Everyone who makes akaza meanings on here just look simps call him hot sexy and he is strong. I know it’s surprised that people simp over them also don’t look up horny. There’s also tsunadae tengen and enmu simps.
Bro akaza may voice
Is strong and he’s strong and hot.
Your added to the demon slayer simp club because I simp over enmu.
Hey adleast you understand.
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Everyone who makes akaza meanings on here just look simps call him hot sexy and he is strong. I know it’s surprised that people simp over akaza. There’s also tsunadae tengen and enmu simps.
Bro akaza may voice
Is strong and he’s strong and hot.
Lady your an akaza simp?
Your added to the demon slayer simp club because I simp over enmu.
Hey adleast you understand.
by May 10, 2022
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When a arab ask's a girl for feet pics and or ask for a date in exchange for their oil money.
Man Saleems Really a Sand Simp bro. He just asked this chick for some feet pics.
by retard 46.0 May 2, 2020
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hoes before bros 99% of the time

Name is normally kai
hes such a kai law,

hes simping oh wait nvm its a kai law im not suprised

Hes an ultimate simp just like a kai
by kais ex bros September 4, 2020
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Donating 1000 dollars to a twitch thot so his name gets spit out. Pls sweep those simps and thots
Simp called noe pls kill me
by Noe is a simp May 1, 2020
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Someone who simps for one or more people.
person one: i simp for ludwig, and sukkuno, and disguised toast
person two: don't be such a simp-whore
by Toothpiccc December 20, 2020
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When a person (usually a female) who is stuck up/snobby is encountered by a person that they don’t want around them for any reason (not attracted to/annoying/etc.) And the person is bothered by them, and she/he begins “Simp Signaling” the nearest Simp closest to them for help, even if their plea for help is unnecessary, and is usually resolves by telling the bothering person to go away, but instead decides to involve a Signaled Simp to resolve the situation with the unwanted person. “Leave her alone man! She doesn’t like you!!.”
The preppy cheerleader chick was Simp Signaling one of the party simps to tell the brave band geek who was indirectly invited to the party to leave her alone, because he tried to flirt with her.
by EmilCas1 October 17, 2022
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