1. the stain on your underwear when under wiping has taken place

2. a person thats a drain in society
ur a real sh*t stain
by nikkixox January 10, 2012
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Used when nothing is currently going to plan and you're getting insanely annoyed. A good way to relive anger or stress when working on a frustrating project.
"F*cking Sh*thouse!"
by GarryDOS December 12, 2018
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What you call someone when your not sure if they are male or female and you do not wish to offend them in any way. You may only call someone this if they are a women and look a tad mannish, a gay man, or you think that they are a transsexual. It is normally used if you want to know if the man-women has a penis or not. Normally they do. They can also be called Ha-she's, transsexual, that gay kid, trannys, or Sha-has (if you wish to sound gay)
Man 1: Is that a Sh-he?

Man 2: No she has a vagina, not a penis
by AliceinWonderland123 April 27, 2011
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Finally understanding how someone effected you negatively and you understand your worth
Im not gonna key your car ill call your f**ing mom. Fellas Aint sh*t
by CardIboard July 11, 2021
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When its bigger then your normal load and you been hodling it back for awhile.
The after party wasnt ready for when i dropped my sh-load.
by Y2ICON November 24, 2021
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