Person 1: Nathan is such a dwarf piece of stale toast
Person 2: Yes
by AlfredoWNL September 18, 2021
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When you get invited to a party at a coworkers house and they can't stop throwing out inappropriate innuendo.
Wow that was a stale tomato at Mel's apartment last night.
by Sq2woot November 10, 2017
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your only meal once a month
mum: here darling here’s your roast dinner
you: what about me mum?
mum: i suppose we can give you some stale bread
by Katie yEeYeE December 3, 2019
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When a man or woman takes a shit and then freezes it . Then uses the frozen turd as a dildo
Dude That chick let me give her a the stale snicker last night
by Theasspunisher May 4, 2022
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