= COVID-19 AKA Zombie Virus
How to tell if you have been Zombified?
Symptoms may include but are not limited to:
1. Sudden Urge To Travel
2. Brain Fog
3. Hallucinations

4. Delirium

5. Paranoia
6. Rapid Decay of Internal Organs
7. Rapid Decay of Lung Membrane (Pleurisy)
8. Mass Hair Loss
9. Insomnia
10. Died but came back to life (no miracle hun, you a zombie now)
11. Super Woke
12. Looking for brains (does any decision makers have any? and judging them)
13. Thinks no need for masks anymore
14. Craves going out and YOLO
15. Intentionally trying to zombify others
16. You're in ATTACK mode
17. Mumbling "Brains"
18. Dressing like a bum at home (ripped ragged clothing for bonus points)
19. ODing on Vitamin D pills
20. You feel like you are in a dream and 2020 has gone horribly wrong.

Jokes aside, seriously are you a zombie? :o
"I felt like i was dying but I'm still alive, is this really the zombie apocalypse 2020? Am I a Zombie now? Suddenly I want to fly around the world! " - Zombie
by ZombieSlimShady2828 November 24, 2020
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Being a one man cheeseburger apocalypse means you want a craving large of fast food, Burger King to be exact.

“ I could go for a Barbecue bacon burger, and a large order of fries, and an orange soda with no ice, and a piece of hot apple pie.”
1 - “gohd damn I am really a one man cheeseburger apocalypse
2 - “what the fuck are you on about.”
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Adam, Andy, Eric, Mike the fucking coolest badass heterosexual fellows that occasionally like to hump eachother.
Dude look at that chicks titties.
Dude, I wanna C her CB
by Andy April 17, 2005
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The Four Horsemen of the modern day that signal the coming of the apocalypse. These are their past names and their modern reincarnation names.
War : Rucka Rucka Ali
Famine : Kim Jong Il
Pestilence : Justin Bieber
Death : Mel Gibson

When the Four Modern Horsemen Of The Apocolypse arrive there will be a very noticable sign: They will be heralded by burning winds and twisted land. The seas will rage and the sky will deform, and with the coming of this horror, those who draw breath shall know the true meaning of eternal slumber.
Guy 1: Dude its happening!
Guy 2: What?
Guy 1: The Four Modern Horsemen Of The Apocalypse! They are all meeting in Florida to discuss a how they will taken command of the planet!
Guy 2: Awesome, do you need some more crack to smoke or are you just retarded.
Guy 1: ... Possibly. How much you got?
Guy 2:Screw off
by LastRoflchopter August 6, 2010
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The Millenial Apocalypse is upon us, we're all gonna die!
by sudnvm May 23, 2020
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A facetious event used to express the ludicrousness of a previously suggested event.
Jake: Hey Rob, let's beat Contra!
Rob: Hey Jake, want to have a zombie apocalypse?

Rob: Wow, I can't believe how much snow we got!
Jake: Want to go for a run?
Rob: Hey Jake, want to have a zombie apocalypse?
by The AWPerator April 4, 2011
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Fruit or any food really that’s gone past its prime, but you eat it anyway as you would do in an apocalypse and were surviving on foraging scraps.
I hadn’t gone to the market for a while, so I had to put apocalypse fruit in my smoothie.
by Invisible Kellie April 11, 2023
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