While you’re swallowing, you punch your neck with your right fist. A Heimlich’s Maneuver you perform on yourself.
I almost died choking on it, but I did a Let’s Roll Punch on myself and came out of it.
by Friar Re December 19, 2018
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A chant that signifies to beat someone up until blood is shown or until they're dead. This chant is often chanted in UFC fights when a fighter starts pounding their opponent's face.
by Jim Wonder August 26, 2021
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Something that a Karen repeatedly says when someone calls them out on their blatant stupidity in an argument that they are CLEARLY losing.

Also see: listen to me
Gordon Ramsay: "Jamacian chicken is dry rubbed, not"--
Dr. Una Morris: "LET ME FINISH"
by itsjustcommonsense October 12, 2022
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The words that your crush says to u when u say u like them then in their head they’re going: ‘ Shit. I don’t like like them. How do I tell them?*Looks on urbandictionary.com* oh ok,’. A.K.A The death of you ESPECIALLY if you said it in front of other people.
Dude-ess: I love you.
Dude’s Head: Damn it I don’t like them
Dude: Let’s just be friends...
by Numnumcookie1234yeet January 24, 2020
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The phrase that is said during sexual intercourse by the male when ejaculating.

Also a phrase used by best friends during a party to identify when one or the other has a female to go home with.
“Let’s Go Mets!” said Frank as he orgasmed.
“Let’s Go Mets! said Gary to his friend to ensure him he had a hunny in the bag.
by Mr.PeePeePooPooMan December 5, 2021
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The phrase used by a male during sexual intercourse at the point of ejaculation. Also the phrase used by best friends at a party when they are with a female and have high hopes for the night.
Let’s go Mets!” said Uncle Jerry and his penna made a kaka.
“Let’s go Mets” said Quinn to Colon as all the hot dame flicked him at the bar.
by Mr.PeePeePooPooMan December 5, 2021
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This is a term closeted Republicans scream out after they orgasm in a truck stop glory hole.
Hey friend, this feels pretty gooood oh, oh, “Let’s Go Brandon”
by Alfonzo Carlton June 25, 2023
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