Someone that is very poor and broke and requires assistance or 2k urgently.
I can pay for a date because “I be woman oh”
by King chi September 30, 2020
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someone who says push every time they talk and repeats it, usually used in effortless cringy GoAnimate videos, and RYWB is fine because he thinks it's cringy
Wow! The Push Push Push Push Push Push Woman is very annoying. Let's get her deleted.
by pushpush November 30, 2018
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Tiny woman or The tiny woman refers to a woman that is extremely tough and strong despite her small size.
Friend: Hey what are you doing this Friday?
Me: I'm going out with a Tiny woman
Friend: Damn bro, you better be careful!
by Schnukilein69 July 27, 2022
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what you say to your ex.
Woman: I’m breaking up with you Darrel!
Darrel: die woman!
by BURNTCABBAGE April 25, 2021
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Thinking about being one or thinking like one doesn't make you one, just like thinking about being a musician or thinking like one doesn't make you one. People who dont have much self control dont usually separate thoughts from actions, since they dont have control of their own.
The guy thought about being a musician all day long, but until he acted on his thought of being a musician by making music, he would never be a musician. The same applied to a guy who thought about being a womanizer, a salesman, a teacher, or anything else. There was a difference between thinking something and reality.
by Solid Mantis May 1, 2020
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Means just about anything any female says it means.
That guy wasnt just flirting or trying to be something other than abrasive with those females, he was really fucking every one of them in real life (while he was already with somebody that he knew wanted to be with him), it wasnt just a bullshit rumor. There is no other way to think, and there is no questioning the rumor to get to the bottom of it. If somebody says he's a womanizer 50 times, that must encapsulate him since they said it more than once. And if a female says the sky is green, theres no questioning it, green is the new normal color for the sky.
by Solid Mantis September 1, 2020
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