Universal word that can mean anything.
"That was derping awesome"

"Teach me how to derp, teach me-teach me how to derp"

"Go derp yourself you derping piece of derp!"

"Derp you!!"
by JvMarsh November 20, 2011
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a disease you get from derping too much. very hard to get rid of, in some serious cases it's permanent. *cough* Michael! *cough*
Guy 1: "Maynee, I just came back from the doctor and I tested positive for derpes." Guy 2: "That's derpin' derped up."
by eerisedsaysshutupkevin January 13, 2010
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Sound simultaneously expressing supreme dorkiness and excitement of boston terriers.
derp, derp, derp (repeat until satisfied)
by BT Supreme January 20, 2011
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A word used for no purpose whatsoever.
(Commonly used before "Herp a Derp")
Derp relations: Other words related to derp. Examples: Herp a Derp, Merp, Burp, Derpity, Derp Sauz, Derpapottamus, Derpalophagus, RageDerp ETC.
Can be used in a Derp Train... A endless repeat of derps and derp relations.
Person 1: Derp
Person 2: Herp a Derp
Person 1: Derpity Sauce
Person 1: Well F**k Dat.A MERP A MOTHER F**KING HERP A DERP!
Person 2: RageDerp much?
by commandotaco June 17, 2012
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South Florida expression: Noun: one who screws up majorly. Verb: to screw up majorly.
Noun: I forgot to kill the cat. I'm such a derp!
Verb: I didn't kill the cat. I derped!
by Colon Farrell March 29, 2015
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Derp is the epidimy of retarded comedy.
Dude you shat yourself while riding the roller coaster!? thats pretty Derp man
by alekinchains December 12, 2007
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