yo I got to 7th base last week and I'm totally manifesting shit rn
by beige2.0 December 6, 2021
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Evidence-Based Spirituality, also known as Scientific Spirituality, Evidence-Based Spiritualism and Scientific Spiritualism, is a form of spirituality that seeks the development of a scientific approach on spirituality and the search for spiritual evidences for spirituality, it opposes the notion that evidences are only highly stringent, repeatable, double-blind, peer reviewed, materialism-compatible research, for all phenomena and it believes in "Different Methods for Different Domains" and in Epistemological Pluralism in order to study spiritual phenomena like Near-Death Experiences, Astral Projection, Mediumship, Out-of-body experiences, Spiritual phenomena, Spiritual experiences, spiritual healing, spirits, souls, consciousness, afterlife, extraphysics, extraphysical life, spiritual worlds, other dimensions and so on. Evidence-Based Spirituality also opposes the notions of scientism and neopositivism and it often uses the notions of extraphysicalism, extramaterialism, extranaturalism and spiritualicism for its studies and the separation of spiritual sciences from natural sciences where natural sciences cannot determine spiritual things and it's a thing that only spiritual sciences can actually determine.
"The notion of evidence-based spirituality might be really good in order to counter the material reductionism and the neopositivism inside the spiritual community and scientific community and the development of spiritual sciences and even lead into new discoveries related to spirituality and everything related to it."
by Full Monteirism June 4, 2021
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The 5 bases of sex
1. kissing
2. touching of genitals over clothes
3. oral sex
4. sex
5. anal
Person 1: Hey, dude how many bases of sex did score with Jessica last night?
Person 2: Only 2nd base so i only got to feel her through her jeans
by imnotavirgin August 23, 2020
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Ykhi nti la base wla
Send nudes hhhh
by Ayxxbfzl November 22, 2021
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The Art of basing up involves smoking, watching Adam Sandler movies/MTV reality, and ordering uber eats. Basing up for longer amounts of time earns more respect among the base up community.
‘Are you basing up at ours tonight?’
‘Yeah bro, ultimate base up tonight’
by Base-Up Maestro May 1, 2021
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