A far-right fundamentalist christian church in Topeka, Kansas headed by Fred Phelps. Think Pat Robertson cranked up to 11. They are notorious for the "God Hates Fags" campgain. To show their message, they select funerals of US troops who died in Iraq to picket, saying that these kids got killed as punishment for America's failure to persecute homosexuals. They first made the headlines when they went to the funeral of hate-crime victim Matthew Sheppard with signs saying "Matt In Hell" and other messages. If there's ever a disaster in the world, you can bet your ass that they will have something to say. Whenever they demonstrate, little kids as young as 6 can be seen brought along to hold signs by their parents.
After the asian tsunami the statement was that it was a "blessing from God." Somehow the idea was worked in that it was set up at a time that it would kill alot of Swedish tourists, because apparently Rev. Phelps has something against Scandinavia.
During the disastrous 2005 hurricane season, the church celebrated with signs like "Kudos Katrina" "Welcome Wilma" "Bring it on Beta" etc.
Also, the US casualties of the war on terror? The 3000 victims of the september 11 terrorist attacks? Martin Luther King and Corretta Scott King? The 14 guys who died in that coal mine? Every last Catholic on Earth? Reggie White? The Pope? Mr. Rogers? Yup, they're all in/going to Hell.
Oh, here's a fact! Phelps' 200 church members may only marry within the church. The catch is, it's made up entirely of relatives of either Fred or his wife. Hey, there's more than one way to keep the gene pool chlorinated.
Remember, kids, who would Jesus hate?
A few messages from our friends at the Westboro Baptist Church!
"Matt In Hell"
"God Hates Fags"
"No Tears For Queers"
"Fags Die, God Laughs"
"FDNY In Hell"
"America Is Doomed"
"Thank God For Dead Troops"
"God Sent The IED"
"Fag Soldier In Hell"
"God Blew Up the Troops"
"Dyke Sows Wedd Here"
"Fag Priests And Dyke Nuns"
"Thank God For 9/11"

Hey Fred, thanks for giving all normal Christians a bad name."
by Jonzo the Weasel August 2, 2006
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A group of assholes who thought Lil Phag was homophobic so they promoted his album, then realised they’re stupid cunts
by dumbwhoreamber August 7, 2018
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A school full of white kids. The teachers are terrible and can’t say anyone’s name right. The school doesn’t have much money so they have a ton of useless fundraisers. It is a bad school here all the kids are depressed.
St. John the Baptist is the worst school.
by Hejdjfjr riock April 25, 2019
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When a conservative married couple performs passionate oral sex for each other in between morning and evening church services, as per Southern Baptist tradition.
"The Davidson's asked us to lunch after churcn, dear, but I turned them down. Don't worry, I didn't tell them that we had a Baptist Sunday Lunch planned."
by NotYourAveragePK August 31, 2017
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A group of people that provokes and loves to incite hate and racism. They truly do give Christians a bad name.
Westboro Baptist Church is sponsored by yours truly the prince of darkness, Lucifer.
by TheWhiteBowser July 21, 2016
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An extremely nice group of levelheaded rational thinkers who are active in promoting the influence of gay culture into contemporary American society. One of the very few gay friendly churches, in fact their pastor is a lesbian. They rally to support the troops in in the Middle East and pay their respects at the funerals of KIA soldiers. Extremely misunderstood.
Westboro Baptist Church Member #1: Hey lets go spread the loving word of God while making this country more gay friendly and open minded!

Westboro Baptist Church Member #2: Tell ALL the people!
by spengebab November 27, 2011
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The Christian sect of fundamentalist Islam. Blinded by inbreeding and a classic study into why the bible and illiteracy are a bad combination. the whole church could be eaten by dinosaurs and still insist they don't exist.
see moron
''The Westboro Baptist Church are spreading there tolerant well considered opinions again, i'm so glad they warned me that the nice Jewish and gay men are in fact more evil than rapists and murderers.''
by Stumpy92 September 30, 2011
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