A store. Simple as that. Not everyone who shops there is a poser or emo wannabe. People go there because they like its clothes.
Mark was jumped for shopping at Hot Topic the other day.
by PlumberTheFriggin3rd2 January 19, 2010
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abercrombie with a punk-pouser twist
oh, my, GOD! i'm tired of abercrombie... i'm gonna shop at hot topic from now on!
by raine June 29, 2003
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A good, although pricey store (but still a bargain bin compared to Abercrombie & Fitch and with better made clothing) that has been given a bad reputation ever since that poser Avril Lavigne (shudders) became popular.
by Kevin September 3, 2003
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its just a freakin store that sells clothes and other stuff ya sum stuff is expensive just b/c you shop there dosnt mean your a freakin poser its not lie you can go 2 american eagle and find the sam type of clothes there
prep::omg that store is so0o0 creepy look at the losers in there i mean like dont they know amborombie and bitch is so totally cool
punk rckr::i need that new blink 182 cd dude lets go 2 hot topic
by punkbuny69 January 4, 2004
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Hot Topic is publicly traded on the NASDAQ under the symbol HOTT.

fuck the coporate world but be a day trader and buy some stock in mall stores
See contradiction,
Oh dude i made a huge killing in the market off of little kids trying to dress to fit in by wearing clothes saying they dont want to fit in
by alyx January 15, 2004
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A store filled with teen sub culture filth and band items from alternative subgenres and bands many people have never heard of... i go there all the time... and it is barely goth, it is influenced by teen culture and alt. rock

some poeple think that they are cool by shopping there, but really, they are pissing everyone off who actually likes the s#it at hot topic

people that shop there are typically:
"goths" (gothic posers who think its goth) posers, lost people, emos, actual goths, prepies, alt. rock fans, teens, and occasionally, little kids who usually end up scared
teenager: HAHa! There's a little kid crying in the window in that Hot Topic!
poser: I love hot topic! (but iv'e never heard of any of those bands in it)
by THEY'VE GOT POKEMON!!!!!!! January 17, 2011
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Greasers, rudes, skinheads, punks, goths, hardcore kids. . .loud proud and poor.
Punk and its affiliates are musics of the working man. The poor
Hot Topic is, for the most part, a store for the rich who want to look poor.
It is the death of DIY
Find a local store for the essentials (bullet belts, studs. . stuff you cant do your self) its more in the spirit

also ok here goes: its not the GC kid or the Simple Plan kid I wanna strangle the shit out of. . .its the kid from the middle class suburban home sporting a crimson ghost skull! ok boys and girls guess what. . .Glenn Danig would scare you. . .skinheads arent racists. . . the guy in the suit IS more punk then you will ever be, and stop trying to buy drugs off me. I dont need your filthy substances. . I got booze and freinds and my devotchka

(shopping at hot topic is ok as long as you arent proud of it and know your place. .. my belt is from hot topic IT WAS A GIFT! I SWEAR!)
The Skin: Hey Glenn Wanna go to Hot Topic and scare the soccer kids?

Glenn: If they call you a racist I will eat their brains. Any way I only need one stud and the Catalyst is closed. . .
by Oi!U January 11, 2004
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