licorice a sad little piss baby who cries when called licorice they are a stinker and a poopy head germ filled lower life form they have a small feeble mind like their iq they are a tiny little licorice
by Not gloop September 2, 2022
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1. Meaning an underwater fart.

2. An unexplained sound in the ocean detected by the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in 1997.
1: Tim: Did you hear that?

Johnny: What?
Tim: I did a bloop in the water. :D
Johnny: AW, GROSS DUDE--

2. Bloop was an ultra-low-frequency and extremely powerful underwater sound detected by the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in 1997.

The sound was consistent with the noises generated by icequakes in large icebergs, or large icebergs scraping the ocean floor, but in 2002 was said to also be consistent with large marine animals. NOAA believes it has now analyzed it conclusively and the noise was ice-related. However the true source of the sound still remains unknown.

by TheAnonymouse21 December 1, 2016
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Music that doesn't go anywhere. Like Hey, Wee Gord we ain't that stupid to get tickets for the Bloop are we come on. Here we go... Wait the drop is about.... nearly there, nearly, there, nearlyyy... Oh shit! God dam you Lisboa.
We bought tickets for Bloop! God DAM IT and fuck life, the music of no origin. You ruined my entire year. It makes liquid seem exciting. Fuck Max and fuck Bloop
by The Real Bloop March 30, 2023
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It is used to indicate that they have seen something cute and is often said on it’s own randomly.
Summer: “bloop
by RoselleNova July 6, 2021
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The word males fondly use as they...
A. drop a cock in a womans ass
B. drop a nutsack in a womans mouth (see tea bagging)
c. "dirty sanchez" the dumb ass that wont wake up off your couch from the party last night.
A. Oh yea baby, you like that? well howa bout this... BLOOP!
B. oh baby, you give the bombest head! BLOOP!
C. WAKE UP FOOL!!! ...... I said wake the fu*k UP!.... this bitch! allright if this fool dont get up by the time im outta the bathroom....BLOOP!
by JoelC! April 19, 2006
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Extra Skin that hangs off a woman’s Butt after losing Weight.
My wife needs to have Plastic Surgery to Fix her BLOOP
by BadKarma714 June 11, 2022
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The underwater giant sea-creature.
that bloop is pretty scary lookin.
by amazeballsmymomsucks September 7, 2020
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