When you're really jamming out and someone like your parents or a teacher shuts it off unexpecctedly.
"Dude, my parents totally rock blocked me last night while I was listening to Lynrd Skynrd."
by diceccon August 3, 2009
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A term used while skating that describes when a rock jams your wheel
Fuck, I scraped my knee after getting rock blocked.
by LightNaCl February 7, 2022
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Similar to a cock block, a rock block is when someone or a group of people purposefully sabatoge a drug deal. Although this term has roots in the crack cocaine trade it can be used for all kinds of drug deals which go bad. Busted gang membems will sometimes cooperate with police and rock block in order to get a reduced sentence for their own crimes or they'll rock block out of revenge.
There was a bad rock block last night so now the whole group is split in 2 over tensions.
by Sid Barrett January 20, 2011
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80th street, the numbers are shaped like three rocks, the 8 is two rocks and the 0 is one rock.
last time i saw your boy, he was chillin on rock block
by fade away April 23, 2010
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When you try to get into a sold out concert but are denied. Punned form of cock block.
Man, we tried to get in to see The Blow but we were rock blocked.
by Chris Pez August 30, 2007
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To cover the nakedness of some shameless hussy with the smiling visage of Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson.

When the naughty bits of an otherwise NSFW image are covered by a certain image of American wrestler/actor Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson an image is said to be (The) Rock blocked.
Poster 1: starts thread asking for the original of an image of some random actress, whose nudity is covered by an image of The Rock.

Poster 2: provides original image of The Rock wearing a tuxedo at some Hollywood party.

Poster 3: lulz, you got rock blocked!
by FBI van Number 4 December 13, 2012
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A term used in urban areas to describe a neighborhood or block that is used to sell drugs from. Usually Coke and Heroin but not limited to
1.) "I'm starting to get dope sick I need to call my plug and stop by rockblock."
2.) "400 Rock block slide through with a big glock"
by yesitsjohndoe December 29, 2021
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