Smokin Roxikodone M30s
Im feelin good kuz i was jus sittin around the kampfire roastin marshmallows but ima be feelin better after this blunt
by Phuck Yew January 21, 2010
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to "get ones chuck a roasting" is like putting your penis in a nice warm pussy, thus your "chuck" gets a "roastin"
I got my chuck a roastin with Jen Zaino over the weekend
by Carl February 26, 2005
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When you are getting towards the end of smoking a Camel cigarette and you get towards the but and the blue camel logo starts to burn. You are then roastin the camels nuts.
"I think im done with this"

"nah man you aint even roastin' the camel's nuts yet, gimme that"
by CrookyMonstar March 27, 2009
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In the well crafted words of Eli Porter, "I got you roastin like eva". Usually meaning a wicked burn or roast/ insult on someones behalf.
Saucman 1: Hey Mr. Marvin what kinda pants are those? They look like some bitch pants!

Sauceman 2: damn, Mr. Marvin he's got you roastin like eva

by negroid23 March 14, 2009
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when you diss someone so bad they cry. but n bc you just jizzed in their eyes bt because you just were roastin that cracka ass
you have eyebrows like chuck norris!
where's your green card bitch!!
hackysack is for cock bondling shit heads.
you say tht to someone n its garenteed you will be roastin that cracka ass
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Jacking off with another person in the room quietly so they don't hear
My roommate always has his pregnant girl friend in the room so I've been slow roastin it
by Hard and nasty February 26, 2014
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