A person (generally a woman) who appears much older than they really are.
Boy #1: Hello, Mrs......?

Boy #2: She’s my sister. She’s a Reverse Age-Trap

Boy #1: Oh.
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a gay sexual position where two uncircumsized males, naked, willingly or not, insert thier right index finger into the forskin of the oposite's penis simultainously.
reverse chinese finger trap
by evolutionary December 13, 2010
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When you take a long, double sided barbed sounding rod and and shove it down both you and a friend’s urethra at the same time. You then both attempt to pull the rod out of your dicks leading to a mixture of intense pain and pleasure. The orgasm that follows consists of semen and blood and resembles mayochup.
Evan: Are you down to lick some dog nuts today?
John: No, fuck you Evan. Me and Tim are going to reverse chinese finger trap.
by Fat Lorenzo March 24, 2023
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