passy is a woman who dresses as a man.
oh, you cute passy, i am be Holden to you!
by #theshitsheis January 26, 2015
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The feeling you get when you feel like you are going to pass out, kind of like when you are shaking in your boots; Weak in the knees like when your middle school heart throb passes you by walking down the street
Oh my god Brittney, did you just see that guy over there!? I think that is Adam Levine! Call the ambulance, I'm feeling passy outy
by Antwan Bender December 15, 2021
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When a fat girls vaginal crack does NOT end till the top of her ass crack.
by A+team February 24, 2010
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The act in which you grope someone's ass as they're walking past you
Thing 1: Dude I totally fondled that chicks ass as she strutted past me

Thing 2: Ooo, a touchy-passy
by I'mamotherfucker October 10, 2011
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The lower end of a classic landing strip pubic hairstyle. A goatee for your vagina.
Beautician: What wax style are you going for today?
Her: Let’s do a Passie Kwassie.

Beautician: Nice!
by Baby Green Peach May 22, 2023
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Passy is a smart, cute, funny, and sweet guy. He is not very social because he's a little bit shy. But he prolly has a lot of friends because of one of his friends who is popular. Mostly some girls had a crush on Passy at one point. Sometimes he cracks jokes to stop things from becoming awkward. He's a sweetheart and acts like he's not athletic when in reality he's one of the most athletic people you know.
Girl 1: Is that Passy? Wow, he's so cute.

Girl 2: IKR! Though he's a little bit shy.

Girl 1: Oh that's okay, I like shy boys.
by Davi21 November 25, 2021
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