A ship between Thomas and Newt from The Maze Runner series that makes me cry

"Last night I cried over newtmas along with chucks death because I am sad and mentally ill and have a un healthy obsession with The Maze Runner series"
by smolJ February 11, 2021
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A delusional ship in the TMR fandom. Where so called "fans" try to make the solid friendship between Thomas and Newt weird by romanticizing/ sexualising the two of them together. When the canon version of them was clearly 100% platonic.
Person : "Thomas and Newt are such good friends."

Crazy Newtmas shipper : " STFU. They are lovers!!"
by Mickymo April 11, 2022
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caused by the love of newt & thomas, leaves you feeling halfway happy, halfway sad. symptoms include heartaches, migraines, uncontrollable crying, seizures, mental breakdowns, fast heartbeat, trouble breathing, losing sleep. recovery time takes about 3 years but some may never recover.
after watching "The Death Cure", I suffered a terrible newtmas depression
by newtsh00k March 23, 2018
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