A small town in jerseythat isn't as nice as haddonfield but not as shity as audubon and collingswood.since there is nothing else to do everyone parties. the high school is alright and its always gossip about what happened on the weekend and whats going on the upcoming weekend. the kids of ht get high everyday,and get drunk with keystone light everynight. no matter what the other surrounding towns think ht goes 10x harder than them. haddonfield kids poop on pianos,are 3 beer queers,and always puss out of fights. audobon kids all want to drink, but normaly fail to have a party and when they do they suck cock.haddon heights has weird girls that r never attractive so the parties suck.in ht if u dont drink ur weird and have no friends. ht owns keystone light and is the best party town in south jersey.
guy #1- any parties going on tonight.
guy #2- in haddon township obviously,i have heard of 6 kegers goin on

get fucked up or ur gay
by will out drink you November 29, 2010
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a small town in south jersey that is over run by sports, if you dont do any sports you aren't popular its kinda crazy! its a town that is a huge mix of different styles
preppy, emo, punkish, gothic, sporty but the girls in the higher grades are so catty thet never no when to stop!
wow they're no popular cause they dont do sports, they must be from haddon township
by coleene September 10, 2006
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Haddon township is not a bunch of snob puss cake kids like haddonfield but not the white trash like audobon. all walks of life but one thing in common party hard. if your from haddon twp. you know that you grew up in high school off of keystone light. haddon twp. students and alumni can drink with any other town in the states. beer, blunts and bitches is the code.
person 1 : where did you go this weekend

perspn 2 : Haddon Township
person 1 : how was it ?
person 2 : i dont plan on partying anywhere else from now on
by hearddat September 8, 2011
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