a car. usually baught before 2000.
To be considered a TRUE ghetto blaster, it must show at least two (3) of the following qualities:

-paint chipping
-major carpet stains
-interior cloth (ie. ceiling, seats) is torn
-bullet holes on exterior
-has been keyed
-bras, thongs, or other undergarments protruding from doors or trunk
-at least 2 lights that don't work
-that mexican song as a horn
-squeaky brakes
-random backfires
-tape deck, no cd player
Damn that ghetto blaster be pumpin. Shaniqua is damn fine in that mobile. I'd like to pull up to her bumper, and slap that monkey.
by G-ret January 26, 2006
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a ghetto blaster is a rocket disguised as a boom box which is used to blow up seven elevens in compton
hey did you get the ghetto blaster ready for tommorow?
by ching changidy chong February 25, 2005
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a boom box that shoots a missile, as seen in the james bond film "the living daylights."
Q: "something we're making for the americans. we call it a ghetto blaster!"
by qwelic October 26, 2009
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Alternately, an ridiculously powerful and loud shotgun, usually a 6 gauge. From the slang word of the same name for a large and loud shoulder-mounted stereo because both can be heard throughout the neighborhood when used.
When Sama fired the Ghetto blaster, all the surrounding car windows blew out and Cameron involuntarily shit his pants.
by nokemono October 1, 2006
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While drinking a 40 oz. and plunging your cock in a womans nolga, take the 40 and smash it into the back of the bitches skull just before she cums.
Tammy cant see straight any more cause I gave her a ghetto blaster.

jenny is missing three teeth from that ghetto blaster i gave her.
by stinky Pete February 22, 2005
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a turd, log, dump, or other piece of feces close to (but not quite in) the toilet. Must be a full piece of shit; a smear does not qualify as a ghetto blaster. So named because the old WWF wrestler Bad News Brown (the name is meaningful in this context) had a finishing maneuver called "The Ghetto Blaster"; it was a bomb-drop a little off to the side. This alternate definition originated at the College of William & Mary in 1995.
"He was so drunk he left a ghetto blaster on the edge of the toilet seat"
by ghetto blaster August 6, 2006
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a radio or boombox;pro skater Chad Muska has one of these
Bob:Hey dude Chad Muska's selling his ghetto blaster at the flea market.
Rick:That's sick dude is it a bargain price?
Chad Muska:Yeah man it's a bargain.
by James Grimmer January 18, 2004
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