Fear of Balling Out
Johnny has major FOBO, he is super scared that he's going to lose his status as a Baller.
by tannyg4444 December 10, 2013
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someone who is a "fag" and a "hobo"
by i did yo momma June 25, 2006
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I've put in over 60 hours at work this week. My fobo's through the damn roof!
by lesabre21 May 12, 2016
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Faux Bohemians - a young person who falsely and excessively acts how they perceive an artist or writer, who lives an unconventional life should
The Fobo subscribed to The New York Times which allowed them to complete the crossword puzzle in a coffee shop whilst lamenting with friends about tribulations of still living with their parents.
by A. Kool March 2, 2011
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short for "FaceBook OFFicial"; developed during a project to create high-speed rhymes for cybernetic rapping.
Girl 1: He's yo' bofo? Is it fobo offo?
Girl 2: Fo sho!
Girl 3: (gasp) You ho!
Girl 1: Mofo!
Oboist: Did somebody say oboe?
Girls: HELL NO!
by heterosexualrainbow January 6, 2011
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I've got FOBO. Gonna be a crazy night tonight!
by Yas Tees June 25, 2016
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