the act of becoming drunk during a hangover
"When I wake up in the morning with a hangover, I just down some more booze and get a drunkover."
by dumbpunk69 October 13, 2007
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Unlike being hung over, you are still drunk in the morning when you have to go to work or somewhere else in public
by Jenny from the Rock January 24, 2009
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When you drink so much that you wake up the next day still drunk, or at least tipsy.
God I am so drunkover... waiting for the headache to hit.
by Leo R April 15, 2007
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Guy: Rough night? Are you hungover?
Guy #2: No drunkover though.
Guy: What?
Guy#2: Still drunk.. but the party is over.
by Drunkover4lyfe November 19, 2010
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when you go out drinking but instead of waking up hungover you wake up still drunk
“ Do you need some water ? “
no i woke up drunkover it’s okay
by GeneralJuno November 4, 2023
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When your both Drunk and Hungover at the same time
Friend: you drunk?
Friend: you hungover?
Me: nope im Drunkover
by FishyPhia March 2, 2019
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