Bathin' Apes, a type of kicks, or a posse member or gansta frien' with exceptional cleanliness, can often wear the sneakers. These are the party type gangstas you all wanna be.
Haterz gettin mad cuz "I got me sum bathin' apes"
by Rawny October 26, 2007
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Cool, Classy, new-gen version of "Bee's Knees"
Can be used as such:
Dood 1: Woah, man! Are those fresh kicks?
Dood 2: Yeah, man. I got me some Bathin' Apes.


Dood 1: Man, we finna go to da new club-spot.
Dood 2: I hear dats da Bathin' Apes.
by Shane C December 7, 2007
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A dumb ass song by Soulja Boi that epitomizes the idiocy and lack of creativity that hip hop has now become. A completely obnoxious repertoire of lyrics that has to continually remind us the shoes he has. See Bapes
Person 1: Nice shoes...what brand are they?

Soulja Boy: I got me some, I said, I got I got me some bathin apes

Person 1: You know what...just forget I asked.
by Duke of Potsdam March 23, 2008
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