A person who dislikes or hates vegans
Person 1: I hate vegans. They disgust me!!!!!
Person 2: Why are you being veganphobic?
by RandomTypo March 5, 2021
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a person predudice towards vegans
Why are you against me just cos I dont eat or wear animal products , you must be veganphobic !!
by F.U.HERO July 8, 2015
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Someone who has consumed 0.00001% of an animal product in their lifetime.
John: My brother accidentally poured me dairy milk instead of almond milk.

Katie: Youre veganphobic! That animal was killed for that milk!
by TheLocalWeeb September 15, 2021
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'Veganphobic' a fake word created by a controversial Vegan Youtuber who believes someone is evil if not vegan.
She said I was 'Veganphobic' simply for eating meat
by Oldhandler2.0 February 26, 2022
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Someone who is strongly against vegans/veganism
Person 1: I'm going vegan
Person 2: I hate vegans
Person 1: You're veganphobic
by Jacktheveganactivist July 7, 2022
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