A really nice girl with a very caring heart. She is easily misunderstood but those who take the time to know her can not imagine their life without her.
She is so nice
Yup that's Tricia
by queen2011 June 18, 2011
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Tricia is a loving, beautiful girl who is a great friend to anyone , she is the type of girl to be good at gymnastics. She’s beautiful and knows that she is . She has an amazing figure, dreamy skin tone and she looks like an angel. She is an influence to her younger sister and she will protect her with all she has.
If her friend has someone messing with her/him , she will hesitate to help but will help eventually.
“The tricia girl is a great companion.”
by Susannover June 11, 2019
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Smart as hell, a pretty white girl surrounded by mexicans lol.
tricia give me an analysis on heart of darkness please
by truth:))))) June 23, 2009
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A girl that plays the innocent card but really manipulates every one and takes advantage of everyone around her.
Omg! Did you just get manipulated? You got triciaed!
by Bboombbom May 1, 2019
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Noun, plural Tricias tr•i•sh•as

One who is a pussy.
Stop being a fucking Tricia”
by Wolfgang Von Hammersmark October 3, 2018
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A new form of greeting that, instead of shaking hands, high 5ing or hugging, involves getting on ones knees and preforming oral sex.
Guy 1: Dude! I met this chick last night and instead of shaking my hand, she got on her knees and started blowing me!

Guy 2: Oh yeah! That's a new form of the hand shake called Triciaing!

Guy 1: Sweet!
by AlienLioness December 22, 2011
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Tricias are amazing people. They have a great sense of humor and an amazing heart. Tricias care less about themselves than they care about a stranger. You can admire tricias from a distance but she will always love just one person. Tricias may look intimidating but theyre fragile once you get to know them. Tricias are normally short with long hair, small hamds, small feet, but very beautiful. Tricias are passionate creatures and when they love someone there is no taking that away. Tricias are good with their hands and doing things that others cant imagine to do with their body. Tricias are very flexible and talented and will succeed in anything they do. If you get a tricia never let her go. Ever. They are strong and independant, if you are allowed into a tricias life dont take that for granted. Tricias are rare and hard to find. Tricias are humble and have low self esteem and very sensitive. Treat tricias like a treasure.
Ex: "Oh my gosh, is that a Tricia!"
Ex: " I'm looking for a Tricia but i cant seem to find one"
Ex: " Look at that tricia, isn't she beautiful?"
by mcawesome November 30, 2012
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