He's a gangster, but you all knew that and he specializes in making all the girls get naked. He keeps a blue flag hanging out his backside, but only on the left side because that's the crip side.
Snoop Dogg's more popular than Jesus; and a better pimp, too.
by mouskawitz January 6, 2005
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1 (Noun) : A singer and actor.

2 (Noun) : The lord of weed.
Why do you look like Snoop Dogg.
by EpikRoland April 20, 2015
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A well known weedsmoking crip. he raps and can do his own laundry..... how much more gangsta can u get.... i mean... come on... Fabric softener
SnoooooooooooooooooOOOOOP... blue flag hanging out the left side. snoop dogg will do ur laundry and kill your mama
by Tee Time November 29, 2005
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he was a lot better when he rapped only with artists on the west coast (with the exception of lil jon), and his older records (anything before tha last meal) are way better than the stuff he has today.
snoop dogg was cool back in the days before he made relatively mediocre songs like "drop it like it's hot".
by J.M.F. July 20, 2006
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Hunting canine with astute olfactory glands implemented for retrieval once waterfowl are removed from flight. Not suggested for use in the ghetto.
by Ninjitsuknifer January 29, 2004
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baddest fuckin nigga i mean he is so bad he can walk around lookin like sherly temple and people wont say shit
doggy fizzle televissle
by joe carlos August 27, 2004
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