A Tranny with full drastic, garishly applied makeup and womens clothes but makes no attempt to hide their masculinity and mannerisms of a full grown linebacker looking dude.
I was a Hot Dog Taco for Halloween. T
by Soulslider March 24, 2017
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An action when a person of the male sex and a person of the female sex are naked and rubbing their genitalia against one another. This action is very similar and close to actual intercourse; however, there is no actual penetration. Rather, the male penis (hot dog) merely rubs against the female vagina (taco). Hot dog taco-ing could lead to pregnancy, so one must be smart and use protection.
a.)"Yo man, did you and Taylor have sex yet?"
"No bro, but we got close, we definitely did the ~hot dog taco-ing~."

b.)"Man, me and Emma did some hot dog taco-ing last night, and it felt soo good. I almost got in."
by cat1025 February 17, 2008
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My dog taco is the sweet energetic dog you will ever meet he is so cute and wonderful and he is so nice and cute and just the best dog you will ever meet
I love my dog taco very much he is my pride and joy
by Dog taco April 16, 2020
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