OH MY GAH SPONGY IS SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by Robofox May 22, 2022
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A person of perverted nature. Or anything sexually deviant.

Comes from the word Sponge (to be dirty like a sponge)
Person A: Dude I here he likes taking it up the butt,

Person B:ya i always thought he was a spongy
by fan2c December 8, 2009
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A person that mainly complains when s/he speaks.
- Didn't he at least enjoyed his own surprise party?
- He did like it, he's just telling you about the parts he didn't.
- What a spongy basket!
by YaelScroll May 4, 2018
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A boi that is spongy (spun-gi)
wowie zowie thats a spongy boi
by YOULL NEVR NOW ME NAME September 18, 2018
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Texture like a sponge-cake. Very bouncy.
I had a nice spongie mungie home-made cake.
by AdamJazzy June 30, 2009
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A verb to describe the act of spongying ones cheese.

Also an adjective used to describe a Cairn terrier cross Chihuahua named Robert. (Spongy Bob is also acceptable when used in this context)
That underqualified lawyer over there is sponge cheeseing in the direction of the woman’s unfortunately places bouquet of flowers.

I have a Cairn terrier cross Chihuahua named Robert who is outstandingly Spongy cheese.
by crandal June 2, 2008
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A very unknown saying. This has only been said by Mr Krabs.

Spongebob: Mr Krabs, after lunch break, can I get a raise?

Mr Krabs: Yes, after you chew your food down Spongy Boy
by Theclitnation69 March 24, 2018
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