A harmless thing to say, sort of. It's just a filler, sort of. It doesn't really mean anything; but after certain things, sort of means everything. Like after, "I love you," or "You're going to live."

(Source: Demetri Martin, Comedy Central Presents.)
I love you, sort of.
by Michelangelo April 24, 2006
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v. From English slang terminology. 1. To be sorted. To be under the influence of ecstacy. Broader uses include being under the influence of other drugs and also being equiped with ecstacy (or other substances) 2. To be organised. To have things in order.
3. syn. for cool or wicked.
1. (in a club)"easy mate, you havin' a good night"
"yeah im fuckin' sorted bruv!!"

2. "I've got to get my taxes sorted by tuesday."

3. "can you hook me up with that program you use for editing songs?"
"yeah, sure"
by Olly J February 7, 2005
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a word which means nothing and everything depending on how its used
1: "Hey do you like this place?"
"Ahh, sort of."

2:Congrats! It's a boy.....sort of.
by Thuggelz November 19, 2009
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She's so sorted.
Now that the paperwork is sorted I can find what I need easily.
He sorted the browser bookmarks into categories.
by Lissky September 4, 2004
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When ones 'class A' recreational drugs have arrived.
Cheers for the whizz, nice one, SORTED.

Are you SORTED for E's?
by rubbish gays September 3, 2003
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-nice, friendly, pretty, cool, hip
- to be 'in style'.
- Miles is askin Seki what he thinks of Kay, 'She's sorted, she is.'
by x_Susie_x July 7, 2005
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I could sort of strip of my training pant undies though I could easily slip on my training pant undies!
by Turo Fernandez August 18, 2019
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