Ronnie's are incredibly handsome. Unknowing of their attractive appearance, Ronnie's are bashful when given compliments. Ronnie's have hearts as big as gold and sometime's find it hard to trust others. Sometimes fear holds Ronnie's back, but they remain patient and open minded. Ronnie's tend to be attracted to those they can connect well with, because Ronnie's are true conversationalists and are insanely humorous. Introverted, yet still Ronnie likes to go out with his mates and play pool. Ronnie's are full of adventure and love the outdoors. Sometimes Ronnie uses, "your" instead of, "you're" but he's still super intelligent. Talking with a Ronnie, you learn something new everyday. There's never a dull moment when you have them as a friend. They make great partners, as they are great listeners and are always there with open arms for you. Anyone who has a Ronnie in their life is considered very lucky.
"Hey, that guys a total stud!"

- "He sure is a Ronnie!"

"Woah that guy is awesome at football!!"
- "Don't you know that's my friend Ronnie?"

"I want someone who will chat with me for hours!"
- " Becky, get yourself a Ronnie!!"
by Klob1999 August 19, 2016
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You are having a threesome as a guy with a girl and her male significant other. You then are receiving a blowjob from this girl, you finish in her mouth and to your surprise she walks across the room and transfers it into her significant others mouth who was just watching, then he gargles it and swallows.
I was having a threesome with this couple and the girl pulled the Ronnie on me making it a little awkward.
by Zerokk January 31, 2021
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I was ronnied by the man who was supposed to be my future husband.
by Iheartyou2020 November 29, 2018
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a Ronnie: Whacking off in someone's sock.

to pull a ronnie... Ronnie was pissed off at his step dad so he whacked one in his step dad's sock.

by Taylor6989200 September 4, 2007
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Ronny is the absolute pussy destroyer, he seeks for all the pussies that need to be destroyed, he also is immune to drugs, due to his constant abuse of them.
Bro, did hear that Ronny destroyed Arturo's pussy? it was totally savage
by RonnyPollyOlly May 1, 2019
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Ronny is a good guy , he is athletic , loyal , he is also smart
Bro Ronny is a good guy
by Kdmsndnsndnd December 13, 2018
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