the denial of the want to be raped, thus provoking the raper to proceed with the raping.Which was how you planned on getting laid.
Kenzie: joey im going to rape you so hard.

Joey: nooo kenzie dont rape me!!!

Kenzie: oh, now im totally going to rape you.

Joey: awww yeah, you just got reverse raped.
by jojofosho999 October 6, 2010
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Consenual sex between a women and a man
Yo brotha my girl reverse raped me last night. Aw shit nigga thats fucking sweet.
by JustSalad February 26, 2017
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reverse rape is when a man or a woman are getting raped without consent but then start to sexually assault their rapist when they try to escape.
Gal shayer tried to rape a woman at the party but after he found out it's a lady boy and tried to escape the "woman" started commiting reverse rape
by Aventador ali February 23, 2020
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While being reverse raped you turn the tables and pull a reverse rape.
Austin thought be could reverse rape Jordan but Jordan decided to pull a double reverse rape.
by Iliketitties January 29, 2010
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When a male white virgin pisses someone off and/or goes to a HS where he's not welcome, so all the kids call him gay then he has consensual sex with a women and later on she tells people that he raped her so he losses his interest in sex, then they keep calling him gay and he becomes so bored bullied porn addicted sexually frustrated alienated and isolated he does something gay over Grindr
Oh Todd isn't really gay he just got reverse raped by a group of girls in 11th grade
by Jtf401 August 16, 2021
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when one person rapes a gang or group of people. the opposite to gang rape.
i went into a room where i proceeded to reverse gang rape a large group of homeless men.
by Ginger D July 9, 2010
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to do a big poo that hurts your ass
oh my god i've just been reverse bum raped so bad - i gotta drink more water
by razzdude January 31, 2008
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