Nyan Cat is a looping video depicting a cartoon cat with a poptart attached to his back and flying through space while singing a repetitive "NYAN NYAN NYAN" sound and leaving a rainbow trail.

The video became a viral internet meme in YouTube.

The origin of such meme it's believed to be in the "Buttered Cat Paradox" which states that a buttered bread will allways land buttered side down and a cat will allways land on their feet, so attaching a buttered bread (or a poptart) on a cat's back will cause an anti-gravity effect making the cat to float indefinitly. (This doesn't explain the NYAN NYAN sound, but I believe that was added to the video just to make it cute... and annoying)
- What would happen if I tie a buttered bread to a cat's back?
- You'd get a Buttered Cat Paradox!! just like the Nyan Cat
by exacrom January 4, 2013
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A symbol of internet meme of a poptart cat flying through space.
You just got nyan'd by Nyan Cat `·.,¸,.·*¯`·.,¸,.·*¯;::;‹ᵒᴥᵒ )
by DragonHunter1234567890 May 26, 2011
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The art of putting different food coloring colors together to make a rainbow color and by using a funnel pouring it into a girls anus or vagina and having her shoot it out.
Man 1 "Yo dude last night me and Megan were Nyan Catting." Man 2 "Aw man that's awesome!"
by Dildo McPoopenstein November 29, 2011
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An 8-bit cat that has a strawberry pop tart as its body that flies around space shitting out rainbows.
Last night, I witnessed the sheer awesomeness that is nyan cat on YouTube for the first time. Never before has my mind shitted so many bricks before.
by JimboWales May 9, 2011
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A cat pooping out a rainbow through space

its an addicting song
nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan

Repeat till you die
Nyan cat: nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan

Me:YAY *Japaneese laugh and eats pocky*
by alessmax May 16, 2011
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a really fucking annoying virus that earrapes you and you can never delete it. help me.
person 1: bruh why does your laptop keep splurting out the nyan cat theme
person 2: idk man its a virus that I cant ever delete. its nyan catting.
by ihaveanyancatvirus July 24, 2020
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The world's most lovable (Or annoying) cat! A Nyan Cat is a cat head with a strawberry poptart for a body. It floats through space whilst shooting rainbows from it's ass. Also know as the "Poptart Cat"
Guy: Hey dude, check out this awesome thing I found!
*Enters "Nyan Cat" in Youtube*
Guy: I love this!
by Larcondos April 28, 2011
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