An area of no importance or significance; lost; a forgotten sweaty balmy place; sometimes it stinks
Stu is struggling to sit still in the van, says, "hey Tony, do me a favour, I've a strange feeling in a strange place, will you take a look and let me know what is going on? Barry pipes up and says, "by the way you're shifting around, that'll be your No Man's Land. I've seen it before and it ain't pretty".
by Who_flung_dung August 31, 2015
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The area between a male's nutsack and asshole.
I still stink even though i just took a shower, it may be my no man's land because i forgot to wash it.
by the kounterkulture January 5, 2009
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When a guy is at a party and is surrounded/trapped in with a group of women of whom he has no attraction to, nor finds their conversations interesting or relevant to him in any way.
Guy 1: Dude, lets head for a smoke on the deck, I'm stuck in no-man's-land here.

Guy 2:Yeah, I fell sorry for you man. BBW and psycho ex girlfriends never make for good company.
by IBJ August 18, 2012
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A flat, empty place where nothing exists apart from death. Basically a girl with no boobs.
I took a trip into my girlfriend's No Man's Land last night. It gave me nightmares.
by Joe with a neon trim June 1, 2009
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When a woman is past the age of 40 and is not desired for a marriage or relationship anymore, partly due to the fact that she cannot bear children anymore and they are much younger better options half her age.
“Hey did you see Karen the other day she just turned 42

“Yep she’s been in no man’s land for 2 years now”
by Finegent August 23, 2022
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The area of the pussy that is beyond balls deep. No man has reached this depth and nobody has even attempted.
“Yo did you find No Man’s Land?”
Nah bro, I wouldn’t dare to try and find it. Also it’s not big enough.”
by YourFavMilf69 January 12, 2021
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the place in a game of capture the flag that is located between the oposing team's teretories--- a place where neither team can tag anyone and send them to jail. In simple words, an area of land that no one "owns" (hence the name "no man's land"). also known as "nuteral zone" and other various names.
I followed those two kids from the other team out of the no man's land onto our side where I could tag them.
by LuthienTinuviel March 11, 2010
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