When you are in your periods.. drunk as fuck and you shat yourself. A Nancy Pelosi is the final artwork of shit and blood on your menstrual pad
Last night i was so drunk that I made a Nancy Pelosi
by TheSurveyor November 29, 2020
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AKA Nancy Antionette. Known for prioritizing weed and tigers over a relief bill. Her district is full of homeless people and human feces, they need help.
1. Have you seen Nancy Pelosi’s district??? It should be considered human abuse for the conditions those people are in.
2. I almost stepped on a piece of shit in Nancy Pelosi’s district, how does she keep winning??
by Oofdude2332 December 7, 2020
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The Queen of Stonks. Suspected of slipping inside information from congress to her husband to use in stock trading. Her margins are better than investing legend Warren Buffet.
Person 1: I lost all my investments and I have to start from scratch again!!!
Person 2: Just copy Nancy Pelosi. Even with the 30 day delay her trades make bank.
Person 3: All hail the Queen of Stonks!!!
by gourmetbluewaffle May 15, 2022
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The combined result of 80 years of drinking, drug use, lying, thievery, and whoredom.
That bitch has to be the ugliest I’ve ever seen! Yes, that’s a Nancy Pelosi.
by mrman10000101010 July 4, 2022
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