Meleis is a racial slur for Malaysian Malays ₍₁₎ which is frequently used by some Malays that are ashamed just simply for being Malay, the group mostly consists of teenage females & pick-me males (pick me boy). ₍₂₎

Some of them say 'meleis is not a racial slur its like karen but malaysian version' but since when did we call Malaysians Malays? They downgrade Malays that are not fluent in English, have the opposite opinion & that clashes with their political interest.

₍₁₎ Wikipedia's list of ethnic slurs

₍₂₎ Tiktok

can you put malay sub because i takut the meleis tak paham

always the meleis
by NeutralUser December 18, 2021
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Many GenZ think that this word is for generalising Malaysian Netizens that judge people online. But is infact not the case. For you see, no Malaysian Chinese or Malaysian Indian will ever get triggered if you say this to them. Gittew
Malay Thot A: These Meleis won't stop judging my skin tight outfit lor
Malay Thot B: Yelaa.. Meleis always have to judge what.
Their normal bestie: You guys do know that's a slur for us, not all Malaysians?
by Kamus Dewan Perpustaka September 21, 2021
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Meley an eritrean name , is the best friend you’ve been waiting for she loves to have late night talks . She can see through any secret , and is very picky on who she trusts with her friendships. Meley is amazing and will get out of control at times , and can be al little sad too . But meley has a huge family and loves her closest cousin . Meley will lift your heart once you’ve met her just don’t get on her bad side . Meley is great love her !! Meley is extreamly smart but needs to take time to herself sometimes to relax with her family !
by Roora June 23, 2022
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Meley is really funny and LIT! She is a nice loving habesha goddess! If you mess with her you will get yelled at. She is a really sweet person. Her friends love her personality, specially how funny she is. She loves food, and loves to sing ALL THE TIME! She is a friend that will never leave your side, and a friend that will always care for you, and check on you ALL THE TIME! She also loves spending time with her family, and loves pets. she could be sensitive, and shy but thats when she meets new people, shes just tryna read Yall.😂. Meley is a friend you would want to keep for the rest of yo LIFE!🤞🏽
by 1230987654573822 November 3, 2020
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