A very protective, kind and humble person. He will at any cost protect his family and friends when they are in need. Also, he is very secretive and only turns to his dark side when someone insults him, his family or friends. He is very knowledgeable and is good at mentally solving any problem.
Watch out, Luqman is over there.
Nice to have Luqman as friend.
by england123 December 2, 2022
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Somebody who is a man-whore and had his first boner at age 4. He's been hoe-ing about his entire life and needs the lord in his life. He also wants to get laid really badly. But, after all of that, he is still a great guy, fun to hang around and finishes your food for you. He has balls of granite and will probably do the stupid stuff you dare him to do.
Omg, that girl is so hot, I feel like a Luqman when I look at her.

Guy1: man can i go for that chick?
Guy2: that's what you said about another chick 2 mins ago. Stop being such a luqman!

Man, you're so much fun, is your name luqman?
by purplethunder37 October 11, 2014
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A brown guy who never f*cking replies to anyone's text and call. He waste all his time on Facebook watching stupid videos over and over
I tried calling dad , he's not picking up. He's being such a Luqman
by Lobywqj August 5, 2017
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A pakistani who sells carpets made by bear fur. These carpets were sold around the globe and internationaly
A : Where are you from?
B : I am from Pakistan, I work as a carpet seller. People call me Luqman.
A : Oh, 'Luqman' is your name or what?
B : No no, my name is <censored> .. Luqman is a definition.
by tatituteto March 11, 2018
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an advanced person who knows stuff that you did and still forget.
he is peng, handsome, and succulent.
his iq is off the charts.
he created mensa and iq tests
when he was born he cut his umbilical cord
when he fell, the floor turned to sponge and broke his fall.
he is advanced and must be respected by his peers and classmates
adam: if you are luqman yusuf, tell me what i ate for breakfast
luqman yusuf: you ate weetabix with a hint of syrup
adam: you are.... LUQMAN YUSUF!!!
by vimtolover99 September 13, 2020
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