The act of having a big ass ego and thinking that you are the biggest turd since bono just because you are in a band that plays at a fucking teenager's club.....zing
Seth: Wow joseph really is a big dick
Chance: ya too bad he dont have one
BOTH: hahahaha
Seth: ya he really has LSS (lead singer syndrome)
Chance: whats that
Seth: lead singer syndrome
Chance: ya he is a queer....zing
by ass crackers June 14, 2010
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When a male or female lead in a musical, play, or any type of production, falls for the other, and begin taking their in-state romance to their personal lives.
"Oh man, I just got the lead for the musical! You'll never guess who got the female lead! That cute girl from English class. Maybe I'll have a shot if she catches a bad case of lead syndrome"
by Trzn October 26, 2018
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