When a girl is so loose, your cock doesn't touch the insides of her pussy.

Union Street - Long, steep, wide, downhill street in the centre of Aberdeen, Scotland.
"Get any poon last night then?"
"Yeah, but it was shite. Like kicking a can down Union Street"
by Mikey Boy, ken February 9, 2007
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Engaging in an extremely slow process.
Maurice was undertaking the challenge of counting all the hairs on his body. I told him he might as well be kicking dead whales down the beach.
by Edward Marshall Shenk July 11, 2006
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A term used on a grateful dead or grateful dead related parking lot in the early 90's and still found on parking lots accross the country. Soley invented by the enfamous Steve Burkemper before a grateful dead show on the parking lot. Ticketless and desprite he realized that holding his finger in the air to obtain a miracle ticket wasn't efficient enough. So young Burkemper came up with the catchy jungle "Kick down so I can get down", which became an instant staple for ticketless deadheads tring to score a ticket.
by Brandon Marshal January 7, 2005
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"Im not saying it was slack, but it was like kicking a pasty down the High St."
by duo3nan August 8, 2008
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