a beautiful brunette,who is always fun do be around and enjoys hanging out with friends,She is super talented,and has beautiful eyes,and a treaty personality,and most likely enjoys cheerleading!
Karoline is the very pretty.
by briella May 14, 2015
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The one who makes their rentee do the dishes, clean the house, and do all the yardwork. Oh, and the dog...don't forget taking care of the dog.
Karoline: Peter, when i come home, you make ME a sandwich!

Peter: Yes dear....
by bobisbinder April 4, 2011
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A person who is extremely smart and witty, that is very good at dancing (specifically Irish dance). She can tends to occasionally storm off, but will cheer you up whenever you are down. Karolin will stick with you through thick and thin, and keep in mind even the craziest of ideas. She is over all a fantastic person, and an amazing friend
Thanks for being one of my closest friends Karolin!
by Barchiss June 9, 2017
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karoline is usually blond and has short hair. she has a high-pintched voice and sometimes it can get irritating.she has beautiful eyes and she is very intelligent. she has an amazing sense of humor, and she is pretty. she likes to make fun of french people, but she is very sarcastic.
u r such a karoline!
means ur funny, cool and kind.
by loveverybodyou January 10, 2019
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this girl is totally awesome!!!! she is extremely pretty and georgerous , you could die of looking at her, because of her beauty. she is so hot you get a boner two seconds after you see her, this girl is fucking delicious
have you heard of the girl Karoline?
yes of course, she is the one everyone are talking about
by lovesamfwithpetter October 18, 2019
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A pretty boring girl who always says no. She is very carefull with spending money. So she never goes to the movies or eats out. She always dresses like a horse and usually looks like a hooker. Karoline is probably going to be the most selfish girl you will ever meet. She never replies to messages and is always so rude. If things get really quiet you better watch out because she might slap your face just to get attention.
- Oh is that a hooker?
- No it's just Karoline!
by XformC45 June 3, 2013
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