People born on january the 13 are actually the best people in the world. Make sure January the 13ths people are happy cos they are normally depressed asf. Jan 13ths normally have a need for acceptance, and also are capricorns (the best star sign)
random person- " u wanna hang out"
January 13- "No"
by TisMeTheBest August 4, 2021
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National Toe-Tip day. You gotta just walk on your toe tips all day. No excuses. No weaknesses.
January 13
Dan ~ *looking elsewhere*
Barry ~"Oh hi Dan"
Dan~*physically gasps, staring at Barry's bloodied toes*"Oh jeez, Barry, what's uh...what's going on with your.. feet man..?"
Barry ~ "DAN YOU SILLY GOOSE. You know it's national Toe-Tip day"
by Gu355Wh05B4ck December 6, 2019
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The day you meet the love of your life, the day your life changes forever. ❤️
Freind: When did you meet your fiance?

ME: I met her on January 13 ❤️ ❤️
by LOVE009 December 11, 2020
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January 13th is national kiss your girlfriend day,
You have to kiss your girlfriend, and when i say kiss i mean make out, it dosent mater if its in front of you friends even if its your first kiss, and it has to be at school. Good luck and make your girlfriend happy and maybe she will play with u.
On January 13 kiss your girlfriend
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yo u tryna pu to my crib?

yh man me and my niggas gon chill on january 13
by slickjeez October 17, 2019
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