

1. A chick who continues to hang out with a guy who has confessed to liking a Justin Bieber song.

2. Fag hag.

3. A document, record, or instrument that contains the full married name of a divorced woman.
"His MySpace said he was into Social Distortion, I could have never imagined that meeting him in person would ultimately result in my becoming a total Hubbard."

"Andrea, you're obviously a total Hubbard, I mean, like, both your dude and your boss eat pizza with a fork."

"Next time you need to borrow money for gas or cat food I'm busting out the Hubbard."
by Matt Dwonch November 6, 2010
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a skool where u could get stabbed, jumped, and get a lady all in da same day. a raw skool and koo place to chill.

a skool filld wit gangs such as sd'z, kings, 26, gd'z, ambros, and raza.
i go to hubbard high skool.

i got jumped by hubbard high skool
by the tru Frisco August 28, 2008
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Somone who gets beaten up by sumone who has one hand throwing punches and the other hand holding bourban.
everyone "fuck you just smashed hubbard clint"
clint "well he ripped my shirt and i like this one"
Jackson "clint heres your alcohol"
Clint "cheers jack"
by brian the 2nd of the 3rd November 29, 2006
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To be extremely thin but not anorexic.
John: Dude look at that hella hot girl over there!
by asofngdsognsdgnidbgibwgxh April 17, 2008
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Epitome of douche bag. Refer to douche bag. Also known to have one of the smallest dicks in Australia. Friends and family like to call him Cheerio, in reference to his abnormally small penis. He compensates for his 'Cheerio' by going to the gym at least 4 times a week so people dont look at him as 'the guy with a small penis'. Also refer to Cockhead and Tryhard.
1. *Jumps out of extremely cold pool* Whoa dude, your looking like a Hubbard down there today!

2. "Never say die" getting a battery slogan tattooed on yourself - Pulling a Hubbard
by HatesCheerios October 5, 2010
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Edward Hubbard - a mentally retarded, insane psychopath who believes in his own mind that he is famous . He thinks everything and everyone on YouTube have to obey him and make videos that he will ok. He is known for attacking random people , getting attacked back and then crying suicide and playing the victim . Hubbard also feuded with a known YouTuber named Hagyrants who would argue with this retard and try to explain to him to seek help . Hubbard was admitted to a mental hospital after he was banned from YouTube for bullying. Now he’s back entertaining the same 11 retards as before . His views are shit and he has zero friends . He is also engaged to his 565 pound first cousin named Sabrina .
Never go full Edward Hubbard .
by Green dream 420 May 14, 2019
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