A name used when a close friend, or "bro", does something that you don't like.
"Yo why are you going out with my girlfriend you hobro?"
by shibby April 2, 2003
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The most fucked up city in the world.
Like Hoes comes before bros????
"Hobro is shot"
by Fukinggermansheppard March 21, 2017
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A bro who is homeless but makes money as a gigalow.
Yo, I went to the corner today and saw the hobro working.
by imadethiswhilehigh September 26, 2021
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"Dude. that homeless man just smoked me out"
"Hell yeah, He's a total Hobro."
by divinitamarie May 3, 2014
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A homeless prostitute who also is your bro and hangs with the guys. Also can be your fuckbuddy. Or casual encounter
"We should go downtown and have a couple drinks tonight"

"Dude! You should bring your hobro!"

bro hobo hoe hoebro prostitute
by Owitburns May 18, 2013
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Two gay masculine men who are friends
Gay1: Yo, you wanna go out tonight hobro

Gay2: yeah, hobro!
by Gayness666 March 1, 2019
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