When having a sexual affair with a woman and than being stalked and tormented with lies of pregnancy.
Man 1: OMG i just had sex with a GWB and she wont leave me alone
Man 2: Dude...let me get a bat
by apple0 May 19, 2010
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Giant Water Bug. Abbreviation for what is probably the largest bug in america, a predator insect feeding on fishes and tadpoles, able to swim and fly and bite hard, it ressembles a giant cockroach
Educated dude: Whoa, watchout for this GWB!
Retardrd dude: Yuk man, this roach is bigger than a mouse!
Educated dude: This is not a roach, this is a giant waterbug.
by Rattus July 8, 2005
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The act or practice of engaging in sexual intercourse in which two men position themselves on either side of the female and proceed to commence the fornication while simultaneously holding their hands straight up in the air. Thus resembling the George Washington Bridge.
McTasty: Yo, did you two GWB that bitch last night?
Two Random Guys: Yeah man, it was bridge-tastic.
by Nic n' Tasty November 1, 2011
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GWB- Gay White Bastard, also can be substituted for, George's Wet Butthole, or Galina's Wet Box, other word can be substituted in.
The kid in my spanish class is a GWB.
by dEeZ January 6, 2005
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gwb stands fo ghetto white boi
like randy and dylan and other people
by randy April 3, 2005
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it stands for ghetto white boi which randy is and he proud of it
randy is a gwb4life and dont foget it
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