thats a fatty dubber, lets spark it.


lets sell these dubs.
by role playing game andrew brown October 22, 2006
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Duood. A fat, cuddly, Raelyn-loving emo kid.
Enjoys drifting in his red Grand Am GT.
Loves his Grams more than anything in the world because she will give him a fifty. Boy's gotta eat.
Does the carpet match the drapes?

Also can be used as a verb to describe anything a Dubbers would do.

Expression of excitement.
by DubersLover2010 November 9, 2010
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A female, even lower down the class line than a Chavette. Dubbers don't work as they are single parents. They usually live in smaller towns i.e. Chorley. They are usually a few years behind with fashion as they buy clothes from the local market's end of last summer season, but one, sale. Usually have love handles & belly popping out from under their clothing as they haven't been able to buy any new clothes that fit since giving birth. They have greasy, lank un-colour treated hair and greasy bad skin. They wear less gold than a chav but do sometimes have the odd sovereign ring.
I bet that dubber got her pale purple coloured trousers at Chorley Market's end of summer season sale.
by scrunions r us November 25, 2007
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Evil dictators, hell bent on taking great anime and completly stuffing it up.

Oooh Look! It's animated! Must be for little children! Wait, what's this? Oh my hat, someone is bleeding! We shall just have to colour it like this *gets blue magic maker* and TADA! We have tears!!! *claps for mediocre job*

I am not saying all dubbed anime is terrible, just a fair bit of it is, which is such a shame *tear*
Dubber #1: Ooh Look, a japanese kanji symbol
Dubber #2: Ooooh Evil *covers eyes*
Dubber #3: Let us use MS Paint and erase the kanji from this cell of animation, but we'll leave it in the next! Does that sound nice children?
Children with pigtails playing with dolls dressed in pink: WTF?

by Mercedenze February 25, 2007
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This is a category of people who enjoy the dirty womp womp womps of dubstep. They are rivals to the ragers who listen to techno/house. There is a nonstop battle between "dubbers" and "ragers" which is why dubbers always look like they are beating the ground.
Hey man, did you see that dubber jamming out to skryllex?
by jekl May 30, 2011
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Lubber Dubber - The etymology of the word derives from the Ancient Scythian demon goddess of stupidity called "Jeanne". In antiquity, "Jeanne" would seduce Scythian tribesmen into the Northern woods, and unleash her powers of "ugly inbred fatass" on them while chanting "Lubber Dubber" which would immediately stupidify their minds. Once the demon goddess Jeanne chanted "Lubber Dubber" on her unsuspecting victims, their ability to think, reason, do science, use logic, was vanquished, and a state of what would be commonly known today as mental retardation. Thus "Lubber Dubber" is a commonly used term that is often interpreted as "I don't use my brain", or "I am a mindless stupid monkey", although those who use the "Lubber Dubber" motif, ought not insult monkeys , as the chimps levels of intelligence, are clearly much higher.
Who is considered the father of the modern scientific method?

"I don't know nuthin about that stuff, LUBBER DUBBER".

Ok, it is considered to be Sir Francis Bacon, but observable scientific practice goes back to Aristotle, and Science in the West, is thought to have generally been derived alongside many conjecture based natural philosophies, from such figures as Thales of Miletus, or Heraclitus of Ephesus, etc. . .

Who is your favorite character in Human History?

"Edward". You mean King Edward??? No, silly Goat Poop Eating Edward, LUBBER DUBBER!!!"
by The Philosopher July 10, 2014
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