An amazing male, whom is very sweet, kind, and loveable. Your best friend, and mentor... That guy you just want to hug and hug and hug forever... That guy you love like a brother... maybe as more, though. Someone who will never laugh at you, and will make you feel as if you're the only person alive that matters... That loves you fully, but let would let you go out with his best friend, because he's just that kind of guy... Even though you eventually end up being with him.
Girl named Michelle comes up to her dreadnought crying

****: What's wrong Michelle?

Michelle: he broke up with me... over a text message...

****: need a hug?

Michelle: yes. *hugs*

^_^ yay..
by EmoticX666 May 1, 2009
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A dreadnought was a type of battleship that emerged in the early 20th century. It all started in 1906, when the Royal Navy launched HMS Dreadnought. With its steam turbine engine, and uniform “all big gun” battery, its design was so superior that it made literally every other battleship in the world completely obsolete. The USA, UK, Germany, France, Italy, Japan, Russia, Spain, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and even Chile, Brazil and Argentina frantically began building and buying ships of this type, which collectively became known as “dreadnoughts”. This “dreadnought race” is comparable to the nuclear arms race of the Cold War. Dreadnoughts were enormously expensive, and a nation’s technological, economic and industrial power was measured by how many dreadnoughts it possessed. Dreadnoughts ruled the waves up until WWII, when the age of battleships in general came to an end. Aircraft carriers and naval aviation superseded them as the key striking power of a modern fleet.
British and German dreadnoughts clashed inconclusively during WWI in 1916 at the battle of Jutland, considered by some the largest naval battle in history.

Spain built three dreadnoughts of the España class. Because of the feeble Spanish economy, they were the smallest dreadnoughts ever built. They did see combat action, but all three were destroyed in rather ignominious ways.
by A solid cube of tungsten November 2, 2019
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An exceptionally large SUV.

During the turn of the century, Dreadnoughts (battleships), like SUVs, were involved in an unending race to become increasingly large. Nations pumped vast fortunes into these resource consuming behemouths that never accomplished their stated mission of establishing naval superiority. This is similar to the stated mission of many SUV owners who claim they need to regularly drive 20 kids to soccer practice of pick-up enough groceries to actually feed the entire crew of a dreadnought for a week.
The Johnson-family treasury was nearly bankrupted due to the fuel costs of their urban dreadnought (please, somebody please think of a better defenition).
by Tyler Messa April 27, 2004
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A premium KV-2 from World of Tanks Mercenaries, it's literally just the KV-2 but better, being equipped with a 152mm ML-20SM Thermonuclear bomb launcher that sneezes on people harder then the punishments served in the gulags. But because it's Tier 7 it can get Tier 9's but it can still use H.E shells to annoy Tier 9's.
It's gun has the power of a Dreadnought's gun. thus why it's named Dreadnought KV-2
by Palkia88 April 9, 2020
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The predators of that are not bosses. They can be as annoying as the numberblocks fandom is toxic at times, but they will always be hunting for your blood.
by hotcrystal0 November 4, 2023
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Basically a pre-battleship. The dreadnought era ended pretty much in 1922. It began in 1906 with the launch of HMS Dreadnought. HMS Dreadnought was a revolutionary design, and made every other battleship in every navy instantly obsolete.
The Queen Elizabeth class were dreadnoughts

The New York class were dreadnoughts
by maybesomeonerandomyes April 2, 2021
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