playing fast and loose in someone's ass, gets shit all over all everyone.
He was playing like a dirty mark sanchez and got shit everywhere.
by Dirty Diggs January 1, 2013
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When a guy bumps a taxi and jumps over a wall with a 6 foot drop the other side, breaks his ankle then shits on the bank due to shock this can be prevented by paying the taxi driver or keeping the but plug in
Remember when you did a dirty Mark Roe?
by Holdenmahairline July 4, 2021
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When you wipe a booger on someone without them knowing it, that's called a "Dirty Mark Sanchez."
Did you see New York Jet's quarterback Mark Sanchez wipe a booger on back-up quarterback Mark Brunell during the AFC Conference Game? That's what I call a "Dirty Mark Sanchez."
by Saltlick1 January 25, 2011
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having so many illegitimate children that it's impossible not to commit incest, so you just keep plowing
by Jsmth420318 March 22, 2015
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