it means "war" or "epic battle" in old Turkish language with Persian origin of word "cang". First written Turkish source of its use is in Garib-name (1330) as "ceng". When we say war it is not like that stupid Six-day war, more like Hacksaw Ridge, Okinawa Battle or Battle of Winterfell with Night King, dragons and sh*t. He is a sexy and good looking dude with a fighter spirit and killer instinct to be proudly called by this name. Therefore, don't use this name for your skinny-ass children and change it when they do not turn out as sexy as you hoped for!!!
Aaaarrhhh, let go CENK and kill some crows.

Honey, did you forget the god damn barbeque sauce again!!?? There goes another CENK with her.
by ckskn001 November 22, 2021
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A very tall, thin person with a tiny dick. Hangs around with obese men all the time. Is addicted to Korean soap operas.
Hey look at him, Cenk is totally gay.
by EbraCapALot November 22, 2021
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