1.) a vampire desguised a lumber jacker named paul bunyan celebrity named kanye west also known as good cop not bad cop legally known as chrissy b.

2.) A girl whose phone is in her hand and she has no idea where it is and frantically searches for it.

3.) Thinks she can jump like a vampire from places that would make a midget feel tall, oh wait..she is a midget.

4.) A severely blonde girl

5.) Creepily obsessed with twilight. Mainly, Jacob..stalker..what?
by biologyreviewsession December 13, 2009
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a Breslin is a cheesy, creamy, toe lover. Breslins toes are wanted by ash
Did you see Breslins creamy toes today?
by Pingu4Life October 27, 2021
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Breslin is a creamy, cheesy, toe lover. Ash always wants Breslins toes.
hey, did you see Breslins creamy toes today?
by Pingu4Life October 28, 2021
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A unit of linear measure popularized in Western North Carolina. One Breslin is equal to 2” on linear length.
That yard stick is equal to 18 Breslins.
by Nancy Polosi April 4, 2022
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One of the most amazing people you will ever meet!He can be irresponsible sometimes but does care very much about others.He tries his best to fit in.He tries to be with the crowd
I don't get how he gets all the girls he is like and alec Breslin
by sofalofadingdong December 21, 2016
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